Coldwell Banker Realty

Traders need to perform at the peak of their game every time.

Jun 15, 2022

Today's trade was not a home run trade but proves that having a system that works will enable a trader to profit from this choppy market. As long as a trader perform at the peak of their game, like an athlete in their playing arena. Traders, when in their trading station needs to be ready to apply the three core principles of trading:

Like a three-legged stool, remove one and it will not remain upright.

These three core principles of trading's are:

1. Solid Strategies

2. Risk Management

3. Psychology

Although, today's trade was not a home run, all three core principles were respected, especially when 2 trades run without me, do not succumb to FOMO or fear of missing out and apply those core principles at all time and at all cost and watch your trading capital grow.

Strategy used moving average play:

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